PhD. Leonardo Sepúlveda.
Research Group of Bioprocesses & Bioproducts (RGBB-FRD). Food Research Dept. School of Chemistry. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. México.
He is a chemist specializing in Bromatology at the School of Chemistry (SC) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC) in 2009. His postgraduate studies were in related topics on Food Biotechnology in the Food Research Department of the UAdeC. In 2011 he made a research stay in “Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering” at the University of Minho (Uminho), Braga, Portugal. He worked as a collaborator in the “Center of Biological Engineering” in Uminho, Braga, Portugal, with the link project “Biotechnologies for regional food biodiversity in Latin America”. In that same institution, in 2015-2016, he carried out his postdoctoral stay on “Fermentation-assisted extraction of polyphenols from agro-industrial waste.” He is currently a professor-researcher at the FCQ of the UAdeC, responsible for the group of Bioprocesses and Microbial Biochemistry, he is a PRODEP profile and a member of the National System of Researchers level 1. He taught Algebra, Differential Calculus, Differential Equations, Accounting, Financial Administration, General Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Genetics and Biochemistry in the Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and QFB career. He teaches courses on Fermentation Biotechnology and Food Physicochemistry in the postgraduate programs in Food Science and Technology at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences.
Special Editions
Quantitative Methods and Analytical Techniques in Food Microbiology