Jorge Eduardo Angulo Lopez.
Mc. Student
Jorge Eduardo is a Master’s student in Food Science and Technology at the School of Chemical Sciences of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (Mexico). He is an Agroindustrial Engineer (2011) from the National University of Colombia, a Food Technologist (2008) from the Universidad del Valle (Colombia) and a Specialist in Sustainable Production and Consumption (2017), National Service of Learning -SENA (Colombia). From 2010 to 2017 he worked in applied research projects in the area of energy efficiency, alternative energy, use of agroindustrial waste, biotechnology, alcoholic and lactic fermentation, probiotics, functional foods at the National University of Colombia, Palmira headquarters, in research groups: i) Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energies-GEAL and ii) Acid-Lactic Bacteria and their Biotechnological-Industrial Applications- GIBALABI. He has participated in 7 national and international conferences and has 5 articles published in indexed journals.
The engineer has a patent granted by the Process or Procedure Innovation: Agroindustry Residue of guava seed (Psidium Spp) as a source of organic nutrients for the formulation of substrates used in the fermentation process. Colombia, 2014, Availability: Restricted, Financing Institution: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Winner twice (Call 525-2011 and 617-2013) of the “Young Researchers and Innovators” program “Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda” – Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias – Colombia) – with the project entitled “Evaluation of Weissella confused as a probiotic agent in the development of cereal-based energy bars “(2011), and” Energy optimization in the coffee production process and assessment of environmental impact “(2013).
The engineer has worked in the private industry, as an advisor for the sugar mill Manuelita S.A (Valle del Cauca – Colombia) (2011/2016) where he led the project of updating, validating and evaluating position descriptions in different managements; and in the education sector as Instructor of the Technical program in Food Agroindustry in the Agricultural Sector Care Center, Risaralda Regional (Pereira – Colombia) (2017-2018).